Mrs. Frances E. Mercer, daughter of W.B. and Ruth Richardson, departed this life December 11, 1902 aged 60 years 5 months and 28 days.
It had been a great many years since she enjoyed good health and to those not closely connected she seemed a specimen of health as she was always cheerful and uncomplaining. About four months ago she was stricken with what the doctor termed malarial fever but it developed to be something worse and in the hope of life she entered th hospital where she remained for two weeks receiving little benefit. Returning to her home she lingered a few weeks more.
About 35 years ago she united with the M.E. church and held to that faith. She had a desire to live, but all during her illness said she was ready and willing to submit to the Lord's will. On March 7, 1867 she was united in marriage at Rural Dale to C.H. Mercer. To this union three children were born. Ora, who died at Cleveland seminary. Tenn, Nov. 22, 1887, Nellie, who met death by being scalded when a baby and Mrs. A.W. Presgraves, the only daughter left to mourn her loss. Also three sisters are left Mrs. Peter Rhinebarger of Eaglesport, Mrs. William Bradley, of McConnelsville, and Mrs. James McCune of Rural Dale.
The Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Reynolds from her late home on Putman Avenue,(Zanesville) Dec 14 at 2 P.M. Interment taking place at Woodlawn cemetery
Dear Ma has gone and left me, And I see her smiling face no more, But she said she would watch o'er me, Till we meet to part no more.
From Linda Steer from News Paper Clipping