Eldersville (Pa.)
July 29, 1856
Cousin Ruth B. Richardson
Your communication came duly & I was pleased being at leisure on account of it is raining I think to talk a little in this way to you once more I wish the best are enjoying good health and entertain the hope my friends are also blessed in the same way. Been very dry for two weeks had a shower yesterday and it is raining now great weather for harvesting but are not through yet crop good and times brisk with these things I shall wind up and proceed to entertain you in light way about something else. There has been several weddings here this season and talk of some more but no back outs. We never allow that even if it was desired. That caring the joke a little to far how ever such things will happen one and a while at a great celebration the 4th at Paris also at Franklin I did not attend any of them had to plow corn for harvest was crowding on us Politics getting very hing great discussion in Eldersville last Saturday evening also the Methodists and Capability (?) have been discussing on the subject of Baptism great times in the place called Eldersville quality meeting there two weeks from next Sunday you said you would come to my wedding if invited I have sent you and invitation and much desire that you attend when that eventful moment arrives. But as yet I can not exactly tell when it will be. But will let you know sufficient time before hand that you may have all needful in readings do not let you anticipations get to high nor despondency to low for we know not what a day may bring forth and the clouds you so much dread are big with blessings and shall burst upon hour head I guess I’ve said all I need to and hope it will prove satisfactorily in some way. Please write soon my love to all inquiring friends and believe me to remain as ever your friend and cousin
R.L. Steen
e-mail L. Steer 17 May 2005