Dr. T. R. Brady
Among the rising young men and prominent practitioners of this county stands Dr. T. R. Brady, of Lincolnville. His father William Brady, was a native of Muskingum County, Ohio, where he was born July 1st, 1816. He moved to Wabash County in October, 1840, where the subject of this sketch first opened his eyes to the light of the world on the 2d day of January, 1843. He was married to his first wife on the 1st of April, 1868, who was a daughter of Thomas Dougherty, and died within less than a year of her wedding day. Mr. Brady’s second marriage took place on June 2d, 1870, his bride being a daughter of John Brown, of Huntington. They now have a family of three children. Mr. Brady graduated at Rush Medical College, Chicago, and settled at Lincolnville, where he has since pursued the practice of his profession in such a way as to gain the esteem and hearty good will of the entire community, being respected as a private citizen and trusted as a physician. His residence, which has a very fine situation just north of the little village, is pictured on another page of this work.
1875 Historic Atlas of Wabash County, Indiana p. 56