Mrs. C. C. Baird Has Passed Away
Paralysis Claims Life of Resident Who Spent All But Four Years of Her Life in Wood County
Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at Perrysburg, for Mrs. C. C. Baird, who passed away Thursday afternoon at two o’clock after a couple of years illness with paralysis. Interment will be made at the Fort Meigs cemetery. She was the mother of J. E. Baird, of this city.
Mrs. Baird would have been 78 years old on the first of next April had she lived until that date. She was born at Cleveland and came to Perrysburg when four years old and had since made her residence in Wood county. She had been untied in marriage for the past sixty years to C. C. Baird, and ten children were born to this union, eight of whom survive. Mrs. Baird was a member of the Methodist church of Perrysburg.
Surviving are the husband and the following children: George, of Perrysburg; Charles and Ernest of Toledo; Grant, of Los Angeles, Calif.; J. E. and Earl Baird, of Bowling Green; Mrs. Mary Shaffer, of Weston, and Bessie at home.
The Daily Sentinel-Tribune, Bowling Green Ohio, 30 Dec. 1916.