Henry Long Estate
On the Estate of Henry Long deceased, on the 22d day of November A.D. 1862. On motion Lewis Long was appointed administrator on the Estate of Henry Long deceased Dennis Shi___s Shinow and John Johnson approved as bail in the sum of seven hundred dollars. Jno Elder, J. Danterman (?) and Wm Horn is appointed appraisers. Afterwards to wit said administrator filed the following acct.
The Estate of Henry Long deceased in account with Lewis Long.
Lewis Long admns
To amnt of Sale Bill $33.06
“ property taken by widow at appraisement 13.37
“ Amnt reced on notes 352.30
By tax receipt J. C. Wooster vo 1 2.27
“ John Webb for letters 2 3.00
“ J. C. Wooster tax receipt 3 4.13
“ John Webb 4 1.25
“ John C. Wooster taxes 5 2.78
“ Matilta Long 6 16.67
“ S. Patterson 7 9.16
“ N. L. Beusunsin(?) 8 .25
“ S. Hatch for ____ 9 .25
“ Price and Johnson 10 5.60
“ Wm Hanes 11 6.00
“ John Osborn 12 28.00
“ Matilda Long 13 26.32
“ J. C. Wooster taxes 14 4.64
“ J. C. Wooster “ 15 1.36
“ Charles __nker 16 2.00
“ J. C. Wooster 17 3.92
“ Thomas McFadden note 18 8.43
“ Matilda Long 19 17.80
“ J. Osborn Claim 20 6.00
“ J. C. Wooster tax 21 8.55
“ Long and Everhart note 22 93. 12 (?)
“ Admns percent on $398.73 at 6prs 23.92
“ Allowance by court 25.00
“ E. Tuller 9.60
State of Ohio Wood County SS. Personally appeared before the undersigned Lewis Long admnr of Estate of Henry Long deceased who made ___ ____ ____that the above account is in all respects just and true according to the best of his knowledge and belief.
Lewis Long
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 31st day of August AD 1864. E. Tuller Probate Judge
Afterwards to wit. In the Matter of Henry Long’s Estate, on the 31st day of August A. D. 1864. This case came on to be heared upon the accounts heretofore file and it appearing to the Court that due and legal notice of the time and place of settlement has been given. The Court proceeded to examine the account and vouchers filed by Lewis Long administrator of the Estate of Henry Long deceased and the Court find on a careful examination of said account that it is all correct and that there is in the hands of the administrator the sum of eighty and 26/100 dollars ($86 26/100) which he is ordered to distribute according to law and thereupon said administrator stands discharged.
Edwin Tuller Judge
Afterwards to wit. The following receipts were filed:
Received of Lewis Long admnr of the Estate of Henry Long deceased the sum of forty three & 13/100 dollars being the amnt of my distribution on the final settlement of said estate
Aug 31st 1864 Matilda Long
Received of Lewis Long admnr of the Estate of Henry Long deceased the sum of forty three & 13/100 dollars being the amnt of my distritution on the final settlement of said Es___
Sept 3d 1864 John Johnson G_ns for minor heirs
Wood County Ohio Probate Court Administrators and Guardians Records Vol. A1., pp.104-5. Transcribed by Barbara Shroyer 31 March 2005 from FHL 218494.