SHROYER – Cordeila Mabel Shroyer, daughter of Wm. And Hannah Shroyer, was born Jan. 17, 1880, and died of heart disease, in her home at Dunlaps, Ind., July 29, 1901, aged 21 y., 6 m. and 12 d. At the age of 14 years, under the labors of Rev. A. Geist, she was converted. She united with the Ev. Association, of which she remained a faithful member until death. When she realized that the end was approaching she spoke calmly and with unwavering assurance of her anticipated felicity and associations of heaven. One sister, Cora May, preceded her to the spirit world. She leaves sorrowing parents, 5 sisters and many other relatives to mourn her early departure. The funeral services were conducted by her pastor, assisted by Bro. M. Krueger.
J. Wise