SHROYER – William Shroyer was born in Stark Co., Ohio, Dec. 14, 1833, and died March 18, 1903, aged 69 y., 3 m. and 4 d. In 1854 he came to Noble Co., Ind., where he was united in marriage with Miss Hannah Hartung Oct. 18, 1855; this union was blessed with 7 daughters, two of whom preceded their father in death. Bro. Shroyer was converted to God Nov. 16, 1864. He joined the Evangelical Association and was a very earnest Christian. He spent much time in prayer and reading the Bible. He read the Bible once through, on his knees. In his testimonies he emphasized the necessity of thorough conversion. Bro. Shroyer was a loyal and zealous member of the Church and will be very much missed at Dunlaps, where he belonged. He leaves a sorrowing companion, 5 daughters and 14 grandchildren. The brethren M. Krueger, S. S. Albert and J. O. Mosier assisted in the funeral service.
J. E. Stoops