Will of John Hughs
Morgan County, Ohio Will Book 0, page 90
In the name of God Amen. I John Hughs of Meigsville Township in Morgan County State of Ohio being afflicted in body with a painful malady but of sound mind and memory and understanding (Thanks be to the Almighty of the Same) apprehensive of my approaching mortality do make and constitute this my last will and Testament. First and principally I commend my immortal Spirit to God who gave it in hope of a joyful resurrection, and my body to the earth when it shall please God to Separate Soul and body to be buried decently at the discretion of my relations herein after named. And as to such worldly estate where with it has please God to Bless me I give and dispose of as follows. Item First it is my will and desire I do order and give to my beloved wife the use of my farm for her support during the period of her life. Item 2 It is my will that after my decease that my personal Estate be put to Sale and the money amassing for Said Sale be applied to the paying of my debts. Item 3 It is my will and I do order and appoint that on the decease of my beloved Wife that my farm be sold and after paying all the debts that may amass from the funeral expenses of my wife that the amount that may remain of the Sale of Said farm be equally divided amongst my heirs that is to my children as here in after named and as follows My daughter Elizabeth Pierce to receive on Seventh part the children of my Daughter Nancy Wells to receive one Seventh part Maria Conaway to receive one Seventh part My Daughter Rebeca Forsythe to receive one Seventh part my son James Hughs to receive one Seventh part my daughter Hester Ann Brent to receive one Seventh part my daughter Catherine Ann to receive one Seventh part and I do nominate and appoint my Son James Hughs and my son-in-law Amos Conaway to be my executors of this my last will and testament and I do publish and declare this and none other to be my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I here unto set my hand and seal Twenty Seventh day of May one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight.
John Hughs
Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of us.
James Patterson
Mary Patterson
The State of Ohio Morgan County Court of Common Pleas June Term AD 1838
Tuesday June 26th AD 1838
The last will and testament of John Hughs late of Meigsville Township deceased was this day brought before me in the Court and was proved by the oaths of James Patterson and Mary Patterson the two Subscribing witnesses there to and it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that the said John Hughs at the time of executing Said will was of full age and of sound mind and memory and not under any restraint It is therefore ordered the said will and the proof there of be recorded