Samuel Ulis. Among the prominent and enterprising farmers of Portage township, there is perhaps none that is looked upon with more respect than Samuel Ulis. Stark county, Ohio, was the place of his birth, which event took place June 15, 1831, eight miles south of Canton. His father, William Ulis, was from Pennsylvania, followed the vocation of a farmer, and died in Stark county, Ohio. At the age of fourteen, our subject accompanied his widowed mother (who bore the maiden name of Martha Schroyer [Possible error. See note below]) to Crawford county, Ohio, locating in Liberty township, which at that time contained but few settlers. In Stark county, in later years, the mother wedded Philip Yent, and her death occurred in Wood county when past the age of sixty years.
Like most farmer boys of those early days, Mr. Ulis secured his education in the old-time schools near his home, and at, the age of nineteen, started out to fight life’s battle unaided. When twenty-four years of age he was united in marriage with Miss Susanna Helm, who was born in Crawford county, in 1839, and is a daughter of John Helm. Five children have been born to this union, namely: William, a farmer of Portage township; Grant, at home; Fretta, an agriculturist, of Henry township, Wood county; Jemima, now Mrs. William Amos, of Portage township; and Pert, a farmer of the same township. By industry and economy, Mr. Ulis had saved enough money so that , at the time of his marriage, he owned seventy-five acres of land in Section 2, Portage township, a part of his present farm, which now comprises 115 acres of valuable land. However, he made his home in Crawford county until 1869, but since that time has resided in Portage township, Wood county. He has taken his farm from the timber, and all the improvements seen thereon stand as monuments to his thrift and industry. He started out in life with nothing but his own indomitable energy, and accumulation of thisworld’s goods is attributable to his good judgment and capable management. He was baptized in the Lutheran Church, and in politics he is a Republican.
Researcher's note: Martha Schroyer is apparently incorrect and should read Sarah Shroyer.
Commemorative Historical and Biographical Record of Wood County, Ohio, J.H. Beers & Co., Chicago, 1897, pp1854-5.