Washington County, Pennsylvania probate files
No. 53 C 1828
Account of Hugh Cochran Administrator of the Estate of James Cochran dec.
Administrator Bill for ____ the estate of James Cochran viz
1 day taking out Letters of Administration $1.50
expenses 75
1 Appraising property 1.00
1 procuring crier for vendue 1.50
3 days at Claysville at trial between __ McMurry 6.50
and estate
1 Making return __ appraisment list 1.50
expenses 37 ½
1 da vendue lists 1.50
expenses 37 ½
1 da getting getting auditors appointed 1.50
expenses 37 ½
3 day Measuring bu__ing C Wilson 3.00
3 ___ attending autors Claysville 4.50
expenses 37 ½
2 days attending on case of Oliver 3.00
before T. Mill__ Esqr.
3 days for making final settlement & 4.50
1 day Widow to Washingto 1.50
$32,29 [crossed out]
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Zanesville January 1st, 1814
On demand I promise to pay Enoch _tis Sixty dollars ___carpenters work he done in an about Zanesville for ___ received James Cochran
- - - -
Zanesville 18 August 1822
Receaved of Hugh Cochran administorator of the estate James Cochran decased forty for dalors and thirty four cents on two ___ ___ one 1st January 1814 one dieted 25 april 1818
John Cochran
- - - -
James Cochran
To Thomas J. Holleday
1823 To 149 days Schooling $3.50
1824 “ 1 Schollar @___ 7.00
Dec 9th mending wheel 25
Jan12th 1 new Reel 1-25
March 8th New crank & neding wheel 44
1 ½ Schollar @___ 10-50
Sept 5th 1826 recd of Hugh Cochran Admin $22,94
Of ___ estate of James Cochran Decd the above amount in full
T. Holliday
- - - -
West Alexander Sepr 21 1826 Recd from Hugh Cochran Seven dollars on a/c of a Judgement against James Cochrane estate Colin Wilson
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Rec. Washington Nov 10 182_
of Mr Hugh Cochran Admin of James Cochran decd two dollars and ninety for ___ for letters of Admintration
$2.94/100 __ Colmery
- - - -
Estate of James Cochran deceased
To Edward Gilfillan
Sept 7
To Oct 1 To attendance & medicine 6-00
Instrest 12
1826 Feby 9 Rec the above in full
Washington County
Personally came before me a Justice of the Peace in and ___ said County Dr Edward Gilfillan who after being sworn as the law ____ saith that the above amount as stated is just and true ____ that he has not _____ ___ __ satisfaction for the _____ the__ the C____ gives
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 26 day of November AD 1827
Isaac Mayes Edwd Gilfillan
- - - - - -
Rec Feby 20 1828 from Hugh Cochran one Dollar and forty six cents for fiing record of auditor on the Estate of James Cochran Decd
For James Russel [?]
Ja__ Cunningham
- - - -
The Estate of James Cochran Dr to F. Julius LeMoyne
Sept Medicines & services rendered 28 “
Aug 21 Credit by cash for self 3 “
25 “
Received from Hugh Cochran administrator of the above estate twenty five dollars the balance in full this 15th September 1826
F. Julius LeMoyne
- - - - - -
Recd from Hugh Cochran Administor of the estate of James Cochran Decd three dollars for services rendered three days in auditing Estate February 18th 1828
W__ Miller
Ditto Three dollar J Henderson
Ditto Three do T Holliday
- - - - -
Recd Feb 20, 1828 of Hugh Cochran one dollar for advertising a settlement of the estate of James Cochran auditors ___ $1.00
Wm La_fill
- - - - -
- Recd Nov 9th 1826 of Hugh Cochran adm of the estate James Cochran two dollars for getting auditors appointed to settle & adjust the claims of ___ difft auditors $2.00 Th. H. T. Mckennan [?}
- - - - -
The Estate of James Cochran
1825 To Joseph Divine Dr
To Making Childs Coffin $2,00
To self coffin 8,00
Recd the above bill from Hugh Cochran Adminstrator of the estate of James Cochran Decd
By me in full Joseph Divine
- - - - -
Washington County ss
Before me a Justice of the Peace in and for said County personally appeared Joseph Devine and being sworn ___ to law and his solem oath that the within amt is just and true as it stands stated
Sworn to and subscribed this 24 of November 1827
J Devine
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Recd ___6th 1825 of Hugh Cochran one dollar for cring vendue __ administrator of James Cochran
John Brookman
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December 9 day year 1825
Recived of hugh Cochran 50 ____ for two gallons of whisky for vendue of James Cochran decd by __ Michael Dougherty
- - - - - - - -
Recd of Hugh Cochran one dollar for _____acct estate James Cochran
Redvd for C. Wilson by me
Joseph Devine
- - - - -
Dec 2_th 1825 Recd From Hugh Cochran Adminis of the estate of James Cochran Decd fifty centy for whisky for vendue
Former Recd being lost
- - - - - -
March te 24th 182_
Recived of hugh Cochran one dollar for meshemin worke of Wilson that James Cochran don deceased hugh Cochran admins as witness my hand
John Conmery [?]
- - - - - -
I promise to pay unto Heny Sningel on order on ____ with intrst from the date the sum of eight dollars and fifty two ½ cts it being for value received witness my hand and seal this 25 of April 1818 James Cochran [seal]
Witness present
Saml Thompson
- - - - - - - -
Rosanna Cochran
To George Wilson
Nov 5 To 1 set 6 knives & forks $1.37
14 1 galon whiskey 25
17 1 sk silk 6 ¼
19 7 yds bonsgazett 40 p e 2.80
1 ½ “ madder 25 p e 37
1 “ all___ 10
Dec 29 19 paper by Hugh 25
$5.23 ¼
- - - - - - - -
June 26th 1826
Recd of Hugh Cochran seventeen cents. James Cochran’s road tax for the year 1825
John Campbell
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Recived of Hugh Cochran one dolar and seventy five cents in part of an account that the estate of James Cochran owes me
Thos Bob
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July 22 Day 1826
Recived of Hugh Cochran 50 cents for oats got for James Cochran. Recived by me
Michael Dougherty
- - - - - - -
September the 6th 1826
Recived of Hugh Cochran administory of the estate of James Cochran Dec thirty seven cents for mending of shoes
John __ Clark
- - - - - -
July 12 1824
S__ plese to pay unto ____ [Angril Mcary /] too dolar and 50 cents and a__ege your friend to Mr James Russell from
James Cochran
- - - - - - -
Credit ____Continued
By and Brot forward 213.33
By cash paid Clerk for stating this acct 2 “
“ “ Register for examining this acct copy & ___ 6 “
“ “ Clerk of the Orphans Court his fee 1 “
Allowance in part to Adms for services etc 22.85
$245.18 ½
Settlement of the Estate of James Cochran
- - - -
The account of Hugh Cochran Administor {part of form not copies]
The said accountant charge himself with all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of the said deceased, that have come to his hands, possession or knowledge, according to an inventory and appraisement thereof, exhibited into the Register’s Office, at Washington, the 8th day of Dec Anno Domini, 1825
184. 41
He also charges himself with a gain by sale 24. 45 ¼
He also charges himself with monies rec
___sundry[?] persons[?] as per auditors report 36.32 ¾
[next sheet, a form, cut through]
The said accountant pray allowance for payments and disbursements, out of the same, viz;
1 By cash paid Register for letters etc. 2.90
2 “ “ Ja Divine Coffin 10.00
3 “ “ D. Edward Gelfillen proven acct 6.12
4 “ “ F. J. LeMoyne medical services 25.12
5 “ “ James Russel Clerk 1.46
6 “ “ Thos Miller & other auditors fees 9.00
7 “ “ Wm Sample Printing 1.00
8 “ “ Th. M. T. McKennan fee 2.00
9 “ “ Henry Swingle note under seal 13.16 ½
10 “ “ John Brockman crying sale 1.00
11 “ “ Michael Dougherty expences at vendue 1.00
12 “ “ Joseph Devine services 1.00
13 “ “ John Emery do 1.00
14 “ “ Geo Wilson funeral Expences 5.23 ¼
15 “ “ Jno Campbell Taxes 7.00
16 “ “ Allowance to the Widow as per auditors report 82.50
17 “ “ Thos Miller oats .50
18 “ “ Colin Wilson on Judgment 4.36
Isaac Mayes costs on same 5.22
19 “ “ Richard Davis Judgment .70
“ “ Isaac Mayes costs on same 1.63
20 “ “ Thos. J Holliday on acct 7.86 ¼
21 “ “ James Faunce[?] on acct 1.85
22 “ “ Enoch Curtis on note 28.50
- - - - - -
A List of the property retained at the appraisement by Mrs Cochran Relect of James Cochran Decd
November 16th 1825
1 Mooly cow $5.00
1 Heifer 7.00
5 sheep $1.00 each 5.00
1 Feather bed, bedding, & bedstead 16.00
1 do do do 16.00
1 Trundle do do 2.00
1 Bureau 3.00
1 Table .25
1 Set[?] Windsor chairs 3.00
1 Spinning wheel 1.50
1 P___ 1.00
1 ___ cotton cards X .00
1 Cupboard & furniture 8.00
3 Bags @371/2 1.12 ½
1 Looking Glass 1.00
1 Lot woolen yarn 22 Doz 8.00
7 __ Rolls & Skin wool 2.25
1 Wire meal silve[?] .50
1 Iron Hooped Kegg & barrel .75
potmettle 2.82
1 Lot leather .75
1 Iron Hooped bucket .50
Shovel & Tongs[?] 2.00
1 pot hanger .50
3 ½ yds thick cloth 2.00
1 Falling axe 1.00
$93.94 1/
Brought forward $93.94 ½
1. Family Bible $ 4.00
1 Book Claud 00
1 Lot Books 1.00
1 Candlestick t6¼
1 pr Shears .13
5.19 ¼
Amount taken by the widow $99.13 ¾
Errors excepted
- - - - -
A Return of property sold by public vendue at the late dwelling house of James Cochran decd Donegal Township Nov 6th 1825
Robt Cochran 1 chisl .07
William Whitham 1mealtub[?] .41
Hugh Brannan 2 wash tubs .20
Alexr McHaffy 1 pot .68
do do 1 laddle 1.02
do do 1 do 1.50
Michael Dougherty pr fetters .25
Thomas Byers 1 halter chain & bridle .66
George Howal 1 falling axe 2.50
Abigail Oliver 1 conch shell .62 ½
Nathan Dixon 1 handsaw 1.42
Alexr McHaffy 1 do 1.25
Philip Cool 1 Frowe .50
Angus McCoy 1 frow & 2 iron square .27
Wm Whetham 1 Drawing Knife 1.19
do do 1 Lot planes 3.06
Philip Cool 1 Drawing knife .27
Joseph Devine 2 moulding planes 2.50
do do 1 plou__ do 3.12 ½
do do 2 table planes .25
Robt Cochran 1 ___plane & chisel .93
Joseph Devine 1 coping bead .29
Goerge Howel 1 shingle puntch .66
James Faunce 1 smoothing plane .14
Philip Cool a Asyer .62
Robt. Cochran 2 beading planes .34
do do 3 do do .33
Thos J Holliday 1 plane .30
Joseph Devine 1 round plane .75
James Faunce 2 planes .27
do do 1 do .18
Thos,as Buers 1 Book .77
Thos J Holliday 1 candlestick [can’t read]
John Kinnins 1 Ink stand [can’t read]
Charles Guip 2 sheep 2.49
John Gordon 2 do 2.65
do do 2 do 3.12 ½
Abigal Oliver 2 do 3.00
Samuel Cray Jun 1 sheep 2.50
Thomas J. Holliday 1 foot [axe or aze] 37 ½
Philip Cool 1 bag .42
William Whisham 1 __ cotton cards .d0
Hugh Brannon 1 bridle 1.06 2/4
Thomas Byers 1 horse 38.68
Vendue Bill James Cochran decd
Exhibited Nov 9th 1826
[notes at bottom]
Vendue 109.73
Widow 99.13 ¼
208.86 ¾
Apr 184.41
Gain 24.45 ¾
- - - - - -
The following is a list of property appraised by Moses Bell & Thomas J. Holliday at the late dwelling house of James Cochran Decd Donagal Township Nov. 16th 1825
1 stud hose 2 years old 35.00
1 Mooly cow 8.00
1 Heifer 7.00
14 head of sheep $1.00 each 14.00
1 Feather bed bedstead & bedding 16.00
1 ditto ditto do 16.00
1 Trundle bedstead chass[?] bed & bedding 2.00
1 Bureau 3.00
1 Table .25
1 Set Windsor chairs 3.00
1 Cheel & Reel 2.50
1 __ cotton cards .50
1 Cupboard & its contents 8.00
4 bags 1.50
1 Looking glass 1.00
1 Lot woolen Yarn 2.2.lbs 8.00
7 __ Rolls & sk__ wool 2.25
1 Wire ____ Seive .50
1 Iron hoped keg & barrel .75
Mans saddle & saddle bags 2.00
Womans do .50
2 Bridle .50
1 Halter chain & headotall[?] 1.00
1 Brace and 19 bit__ 4.00
1 Lot pot mittle 3.50
1 craddle 2 barrels & chest .25
1 Lot leather _o_e _upper .75
1 Conch shell .50
1 Bucket Iorn hoped .50
Th__ & tongs 2.00
1 pot hanger .50
2 B___ & sheep bell .21
3 ½ yds thick cloth 2.00
2 meal tubs .50
1 pr fetters & lot of Iron 1.00
1 Box Shoemakers tools & 5 ____ .25
2 Handsaw 1.50
1 Lot planes and bits 10.00
1 Broad axe & 1 falling axe 3.50
1 falling do 1.00
2 Drawing Knives 2 Augers, 2 f___ 2 b__kin 2 q___ 2.00
2 squares & 1 lot chips __ 4.25
1 Foot adz 1 shingling puntch 2 old axe 1.25
3 files .37 ½
Table Hinges 1 floor bolt & 2 piece of steel .10
1 Log chain .75
1 Books of Architecture 3.00
1 Family Bible 4.00
1 book cloi_a witnesses .75
1 Lot Books 1.00
2 wash tubs .25
2 candle sticks .12 ½
1 Ink stand 1 pr Shears .25
Total amount $182.91
Lot of hay 1.50
Sum $184.41
Washington County ss
Personally came before me Isaac Mayes one of the Justices Peace in and for said county Moses Bell and Thomas J. Holliday and after being sworn according to law saith that the above and foregoing appraisement as made by them is true and continable to the best of their judgment and ability. Moses Bell
T J Holliday Appraisers
Sworn to and subscribed vefore me this 17 day of November A D 1826
Isaac Mayes
- - - - -
[at top of sheet 554 in circle]
[The following is on the left side]
Hugh Cochran & Rosanah Cochran administrators of James Cochran Deceased vs Coth___
Justic Cost $,48
Canit J___ys ,50
“ Green 24
4 days L__h $4.00
Ex_ to William Green
Canit for $7.80
November 11th 1826 to be returned Dec 1st
& Conit Returns __
property to be farmed
[The following is on the right 2/3 of page]
a___able suit under [?] $100 for cash enter work entered November 29th 1825 and by ____t of the parties Refered to James M L____Alexander Porter and William Hawkins to meet in West Alexander on wensday the seventh day of December December 7th met and ajorned until 28th Dec Dec [sic] 28 met and ajorned until Jany 4th 1826 and by agreement of the parties the attendance of William Hawkins is dispensed with and ajorned until 22th april april 22th Re__ce met and the parties attend and after hearing the parties their proofs and allegations aword in favor of the defendant thirteen dollars and twenty three cents debit with the cash of sen__ Therefour judgement for the defendant for thirteen dollars and twenty three cens debit with cost of suit on the award, Entered before me this 22 day of april A.D. 1826
Isaac Mayes
Debt $13,23
Reced Seven dollars in a/c Collin Wilson
Plaintiff paid $3,78
Oct 20th 1826
Washington County ss
I do hereby certify that the above is a true transcript of a judgment entered by me a Justice of the peace in and for said County at the suit of Hugh & Rosanah Cochran administrators of James Cochran deceased against Collin Wilson –
Witness my hand and seal this 24 day of November A.D. 1827
Isaac Mayes
- - - - - - - -
[On left side of page]
Richard Davis vs Hugh & Rosanah Cochran administrators of James Cochran deceased
Justic Cost $,57
Court[?] Cost ,14
Ex- to William Green C---- for $3,71 November 24th 1826 to be Returned Dec 14th Ex_ Returned ____ ___
[On right 2/3 of page]
S____ ____C___under $100 and proven amount, asse4sed to William Green C___t November 16th 1826 apperance23th November 23th 1826 the parties appear and on hearing judgment for plaintiff for two dollars and twenty three cents debit with cost of Suit, Entered before me this 23 day of November A.D. 1826
Isaac Mayes
Debt $2,23
Reced two dollars and twenty tree cents
Richard Davis
Washingto County ss
I do hereby certify that the above is a true transcript of a judgment entered by me a Justice of the peace in and for the County of Washington at the suit of Richard Davis against Hugh & Rosanah Cochran administrators of James Cochran Deceased
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 24 day of Nobimber A.D. 1827
Isaac Mayes ___
- - - - -
april & may 1825
James Cochran a/c with James Faunce
for 17 ½ days work getting out timber at thirty seven and a half cents per day $6,56 ¼
“ one day getting out rafters 37 ½
“ day cutting coffine[?] in plaster 37 1/2
“ 2 days making shingles 75
“ 5 days putting on Roof 1 87
“ making 6 bites{?] of sash 37 ½
“ making barn door 3,50
“ weather boarding above barn door 37 ½
“ “ “ part of a poarch[?] 12 ½
14, 31 ¼
C__t__ credit at different times 1 81 ¼
5, 50
probit 12
Washington County ss
Personally ____ before me one of the Justices of the peace in and for said County James Faunce who after being sworn as the law ____ saith that the above amount as stated is just and ture and that he has not reced any part or satis=faction for the same other than the ____ to given Worn _____ and subscribed before me this 25 day of July AD 1826
Isaac Mayes James Faunse
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