Mrs. Jenie Travis Honored As Out Going President W. C. T. U. Mrsn. M’Veigh Entertains
Hotel Kennebec was the scene of a very pleasant social event on last Saturday evening, when the ladies of the W. C. T. U. in response to an initiation from Mrs. McVeigh, assembled there to spend the evening . The affair was in honor of the retiring County President, Mrs. Jennie Travis, whose efficient service in that capacity had won for her this recognition.
Beautiful dahlias and asters seemed everywhere in evidence. An anatomical guessing contest was conducted by Miss Whipple, Mrs. Lucy Kraps carrying off the honors. Miss Olive Drake delighted her hearers with a humorous reading “The Golden Arm.” A telegraphic game was played and many important messages went flashing over the wires. Elegant refreshment were served by the Misses Kate Hartzell, Maud Merriam and Grace White, after which Mrs. Richmond, acting toastmistress, called for after dinner speeches. Mrs. Tysinger, Mrs. Travis, Mrs. Seaman, Mrs. McVeigh and Miss Whipple responded. The company adjourned at a late hour, all feeling that Mrs. McVeigh had proven herself a very delightful hostess.
Weekly Herald, McConnelsville, 18 Sept 1913, p. 4, col 3.