John Stacy, deceased, was one of the most popular citizens of Center township, his genial, kindly manner winning him many friends, while his well-spent life enabled him to retain their high regard. Prosperity attended his efforts, and the community recognized him as one of its valued residents. He was born in Mahoning county, Ohio, November 5, 1813, and is a son of Thomas and Mary (Bonner) Stacy, both natives of Virginia. The district schools afforded him his educational privileges, and in his native county he learned the trade of a carpenter and joiner, which he followed for a period of several years. He afterward engaged, with good success, in contracting and building on his own account.
In December, 1840, Mr. Stacy married Malinda Underwood, daughter of William Underwood, and a sister of Gideon Underwood, the wedding being celebrated in Pennsylvania, just across the Ohio line. Thirteen children bless this union – Laura J., who was born January 26, 1842, now the wife of John Shanks, a farmer of Center township, by whom she has five children; John N., born March 9, 1843, a resident of Bowling Green; Mary A., born May 10, 1844, the deceased wife of Wright Stacy, who has also passed away; William S., born February 9, 1845, a mechanic of Bowling Green; Charlotte A., who was born November 23, 1847, and died in 1857; Charles S., who was born October 9, 1849, and is engaged in the manufacture of lumber in Center township; Thomas W., who was born September 29, 1851, and died in 1856; Sylvia, who was born November 23, 1853, and died in 1872; Martha E., who was born October 7, 1855, and died in 1857; Albert L., born February 23, 1857, farms the old homestead; Elsie M., who was born August 11, 1859, is the wife of George Bufford, a farmer of Michigan; Carrie L., who was born December 6, 1861, is the wife of John Sullivan, of Center township; Sherman G., born December 5, 1865, is a resident of Frankton, Indiana.
In 1861, Mr. Stacy came with his family to Wood county, and purchased eighty acres of partially-cleared land in Center township, which was operated by his sons, while he carried on contracting and building at Bowling Green. He erected a fine residence, and good barns and outbuildings upon his farm, tiled and ditched the place, planted an orchard, and made there an excellent home, where his wife still resides. For a number of years he served as school director, and always took a deep interest in the cause of education and other movements calculated to benefit the community. In politics he was a Republican. His was an upright, noble Christian life, and he left to his family the priceless heritage of a good name. Mrs. Stacy, now at the age of seventy-two years, is still living on the old homestead in the midst of her children and grand-children, who do all in their power to make her declining years happy.
Commemorative Historical and Biographical Record of Wood County, Ohio, J.H. Beers & Co., Chicago, 1897, p. 1861