Edward and Cynthia Coyn Estate
Estate of Edward & Cynthia Coyn Decd. Lewis Long Adm.
June 1st – 1864. on mothin the Court appoint Lewis Long administrator on the Estate of Edward and Cythia Coyn late of Wood County deceased. Said administrator is ordered to give bond in the sum of one thousand dollars; donditional according to law. Thereupon said administrator came into court and accepted said trust of administration and gave bond accordingly with (Francis?) Shirwood and John Johnson as sureties which are accepted and letters of administration issued.
Afterward To Wit. Final Settlement of Lewis Long, Adm. Of the Estate of Edward & Cynthia Coyn deceased remdered Augsut 3d 1865. Accountant charges himself as follows
To amount of Sale Bill $380.18
Cash on ____ Bond D&MRR 70.00
Cash of H. Hanington (compromised” 20.00
Accountant claims as credits to the amount for which he stands charged for the following amounts
no 1 To Paid A. J. Mun $10.17
no 2 “ “ Byron Baldwin 11.60
no3 “ “ Henry Line 11.00
no 4 “ “ R. M. Culver 3.00
no5 “ “ J. R. Harrison 4.50
no6 “ “ Eli Phillips 12.00
no 7 “ “ J. Howell 15.50
no 8 “ “ S. L. Sargent 1.00
no 9 “ “ __H. Mun see 80.00
no10 “ “ Phillip Sahoyer 8.75
no11 “ “ Henry Rees 1.50
no12 “ “ Cali_ta Haskins 1.00
no13 “ “ J. Daughtermart 2.00
no14 “ “ Wm. Scott 3.70
no15 “ “ Catharine Shroyer 1.50
no16 “ “ Wm Scott 11.00
no17 “ “ Edward Coyn Senr 50.50
no18 “ “ Catharine Shroyer 23.00
no19 “ “ H. S. Chapin 1.00
no20 “ “ A. L. Besanson 2.30
no21 “ “ G. J. Rodgers 3.00
no22 “ “ Wm Left 8.00
no23 “ “ E. B. Lurner (or Turner) 21.70
no24 “ “ J. A. Bonnell 6.38
Adm Percent on $470.18 6 percent 28.21
Extra allowance by court 20.00
Costs on Estate 18.15 370.46
Bal. in hands of Adm. For distribution 99.72
The State of Ohio Wood County. I Lewis Long administrator on the Estate of Edward & Cynthia Coyn make _________ oath that the within account is just and true according to the best of his knowledge and belief,,Lewis long.. sworn to and subscribed before me this 3d day of August AD1865
Edwin ________ P Judge
Afterward To Wit. In the matter of Edward & Cynthia Coyn Estate August 3d 1865. This day this cause came on to be heard upon the account and vouchers filed. And it appearing that due and legal notice of the time and place of the hearing of said has been given, and this being the day to which this cause stands continued, and the court having carefully examined the accounts and vouchers find them all correct and that said administrator has in his hands the sum of ninety nine dollars & 12/100 dollars which said administrator is ordered to pay to the heirs of de_____ according to law And to report his doings to the court and thereupon said administrator is to stand discharged
Edwin Tuller (?) Judge
Wood County, Ohio Administrations and Executors Docket 1, p. 158. Transcribed by Barbara Shroyer 21 Feb. 2005 from FHL microfilm 2184942