Milford Mich. May 30, 81
I hereby certify that I have this day examined Samuel Shroyer late a member of Co. A 100 O.V.I. He states that he was never sick until after he had been for some time a prisoner on Belle Island Va. 1863 that while there he was taken with chronic diarrhea and a few months later he had a fistula in ano both of which diseases have continued to trouble him until this time. He further states that on his return to the regiment in July 1864 near Atlanta Ga he was treated by me for the above named diseases, and was frequently taking medicine on account of those diseases until he was mustered out of service in July 1865. I am satisfied from a close examination, that his statement is true but at this late date I do not distinctly remember the case. I know that Samuel Shroyer was frequently sick & under treatment and presume it was for the cause above named. All the books & records belonging to our regiment were captured and burned by the enemy near Franklin Tenn Nov. 30, 1864. So that I have no means of refreshing my memory in regard to the case. I think he is justly entitled to a pension as he is nearly disabled at present & is likely to remain so for years to come. I believe his disability was incurred in the service & in the line of duty. I have no interest whatever in this claim.
Robert Johnston late Asst. Surg
100 O.V.I.
State of Michigan
County of Oakland SS
Sworn and subscribed to before me this 31st day of May AD 1881. I have no interest in this claim
Walter Crawford Notary Public
In and for said county
From Civil War pension file of Samuel Shroyer