The State of Ohio Wood County ss
On this 6 day of December A.D. 1878, personally appeared before me, George C. Philps, Judge of the Probate Court, within & for the county & state aforesaid Charles H. Cluff [sic] and John W. Brownsberger who being duly sworn makes oath and says that were in Company A 100 Regiment O.V.I. and were well and personally acquainted with said Samuel Shroyer. That they with said Shroyer were taken prisoners at Lime Stone Station in East Tennessee and sent to Belle Island prison. That while there imprisoned said Shroyer was taken with chronic diarrhea. That they were taken prisoners on or about the 8th day of September A. D. 1863. That they with said Shroyer were in a block house at Lime Stone Station when the Rebels under command of Jacksons surrounded & captured them. That at the time of the capture of said Shroyer he was a man of good sound physical condition. That they were in prison six months and then parolled. That said Shroyers health was not good when he returned to his company and further affiants say they are not interest in the prosecution of this claim.
Charles H. Clough
John W. Brownsberger
Sworn to before me and in my presence subscribed this 6 day of December A.D. 1878 & I hereby certify that the above witnesses are entitled to credit & that I am not interested in this claim for pension.
Geo. C. Phelps
Probate Judge
(Written at bottom “2 comrades in prison” and stamped “Department of the Interior Pension Office Jan 9 1879”)
From Civil War pension file of Samuel Shroyer