The State of Ohio Wood County SS
On this 10 day of December A.D. 1878, personally appeared before me, George C. Phelps, Judge of the Probate Court, within & for the county & state aforesaid Samuel Shroyer, who being duly sworn makes oath and says that at the time and prior to his enlistment he was a sound healthy man & did not have any family physician and as a consequence can furnish no such affidavit. That he has used due diligence in trying to find the surgeon or assistant surgeon of his regiment but can not find where they reside and as a consequence can not furnish their affidavit.
Attest Samuel Shroyer
Elisha Helm his mark
Samuel Werner
Sworn to before me & in my presence subscribed this 10 day of December A.D. 1878 & I certify that I have no interest in this claim. Geo. C. Phelps Probate Judge
From Civil War pension file of Samuel Shroyer