Ohio Legislature
The Legislature met at Columbus on the 7th, and organized. Senate Officers – T. W. Bascom, clerk; E. Foreman, of Wayne, 1st assistant; G. N. Shaw, 2d as, J. Faxon, serg’t at arms; J. W. Shirley & S. Matthews, assistants. Passed resolution to count the votes for Governor, &c. on the 9th. Took a recess till 3.
House officers- N. H. Van Vorhees, speaker; James S. Robinson, cler, and W. C. Howell and J. W. Hall, assistants; Newton W. Brent, sergeant at arms, and H. A. Hamilton and A. C. Barber assistants.
In the afternoon, Gov. Medill’s long winded message was read. An appropriate resolution, on the subject of the delay in organizing Congress, was passed.
From The Ohio Repository, Canton, Ohio, 9 Jan. 1856.