Newton M. Brent Dead
N. M. Brent, father of C. R. and L. H. Brent, died at Seattle, Washington, on August 9th, 1900. He has made his home with his youngest daughter, Mrs. Clarence Fogg, since his wife died, in 1889, with the exception of one year, that he spent with his son here.
Mr. Brent will be remembers, by the older settlers, as “Sheriff Brent,” having twice been elected to fill that office in this county. He was also Provost Marshal of this district during the war.
Newton M. Brent was born on Sept. 23, 1813, and would have been eighty-seven years of age in September. He leaves seven children – Robert H., of Minneapolis, Minn.; Lewis H., of this place; Flora and Mrs. Eva Drake, of Minneapolis; Charles R., of this place; Everett R., of San Francisco, Cal., and Mrs. Anna Fogg, of Seattle, Washington.
McConnelsville Herald, 11 Aug. 1900
(Note: death certificate gives death as 9 July 1900.)