This Indenture made the 18th Day of December in the Eleventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France & Ireland King Defender of the Faith etc and in the Year of our Lord Christ One Thousand Seven Hundred & Seventy Between Jesse Chilton and his Wife Ann of County of Lancaster of the one Part and William Chilton of the same County of the other part Witnesseth that the sd Jesse Chilton and his wife Ann for & Consideration of the Sum of Four Hundred Pounds Current money of Virginia paid by the sd William Chilton before the Date of these Presents the Receipt themselves doth Hereby acknowledge to be fully pd & Satisfied & doth by these Presents Acquit and Discharge the said William Chilton his Heirs Executors and Administrators, hath Granted bargained & sold and Doth by these Presents ____ grant ____sell ____ the ss William Chilton his Heirs & Assigns one Moiety of a certain Tract of Land Containing about the Quantity of Four Hundred Acres be the same more or less which Descended of Robert Newsum from his Father Robert Newsum who Dying without Male Heir descended in Copartnership to his two Daughters Anne & Jemima who is now Intermarried with a Certain Edward Blakemore and the sd Anne to the above named Jesse Chilton Parties to these presents which sd Half part now Intended to be sold containing Two Hundred acres of Land Divided from the other Half is bounded on the one side by Rappahanock and by the land of the sd Blackmore & George Chitwood The sd two Hundred acres of land bounded as aforesaid with all Houses and Houses Gardens Orchards Woods Underwoods Timber & Trees thereon growing and fences and Inclosures and all & Singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or any wise appertaining and all the Estate right title and Interest whatsoever of them the sd Jesse Chilton & his Wife Ann of in and to the same and every part and Parcell thereof and also all Deeds and Writings concerning the sd land and premises or any part thereof to have & to hold this two Hundred acres & premises with ___ & every of their appurtenances to the sd William Chilton his Heirs & assigns as the only proper use and behoof of the sd William Chilton his heirs exor assigns forever and to none other use & behoof whatsoever and the sd Jesse Chilton & his wife Ann the sd Two Hundred Acres of Land & Premisses with their & every of their appurtenances with the sd Wm Chilton his Heirs & Assigns against all persons whatsoever will Warrant & forever defend by these presents and the sd William Chilton his Heirs & assigns shall at all times forever hereafter quietly have hold occupy possess & enjoy all the sd two hundred acres of land and premises with their & every of their appurtenances without the lawful let claim or hinderance of any Persons whatsoever and that Freely and clearly by Discharged of all manner of Gifts Grants Dower jointures & other Incumbrances except the Just ____that shall Henceforth Become due to the chief lord or lords of the Fee and that the sd Jesse Chilton & his wife Ann % their Heirs shall with from ___ time & at all times hereafter on the reasonable request ____ ____ of the sd William Chilton his Heirs & assigns make & execute & ____such further & other Conveyance & Conveyances Assurance & Assurances on the Land for the better and sure conveying of the sd Land & Premisses & Appurtenances to the sd William Chilton his Heirs & Assigns forever in Absolute Fee ___ __ __ __ sd William Chilton his Heirs or Assigns or their Council Learned in the Law shall be reasonably Devised Advised or deposed & required & that the sd Jesse Chilton and his wife Ann shall and will Acknowledge these Presents before some Court to be held in the County of Lancaster within eight Months from the date Hereof with the Dowery and Seisen [?] thereon Indorsed in Witness whereof the Parties Aforesd have Interchangeably set their Hands & Seals the Day and Year first aove Written. Memorandum that the words (be out Wm Chilton)was Interlind before Signed
Signed Sealed & Delivered Jesse Chilton [seal]
In presence of Anne Chilton [seal]
Dale Carter
__________ That this Day To Wit the Eighteenth Day of December ___ ___One Thosound Seven Hundred & Seventy Peaceable & Quiet_ __ & Seisin of the Land & Premises in the within Deed specified was Given & Delivered unto the within named Wm Chilton by the within Mentioned Jesse Chilton & his Wife Ann by the Delivery of Turf & Twig upon the Premisses in the name & taken Seisin on the premises.
Dale Carter
At a Court Held for Lancaster County on the 20th Day of December 1770
This Deed of Settlement with Livery of Seisin thereon Endorsed from Jesse Chilton & Ann his Wife to William Chilton was Acknowledged in Court by the sd Jesse Chilton & Ann his Wife (she Having been first privately Examined as the Law Directs) & orderd to be Admitted to Redord
Test Thomas B. Griffin ClCourt
Lancaster County, Virginia Will Book 19:10-11.
Transcribed by Barbara Shroyer on 13 October 2008 from FHL microfilm 0032137 Item 1.