This Indenture made & entered into this 29th Day of September in the Year of our Lord 1772 between Capt Hugh Brent & Judith his Wife of the Parish of Christ Church & County of Lancaster of the first Part Thomas Rouand & Mary his Wife of the Parish & County aforesaid of the second Part & Capt Edwin Conway of the same Parish & County aforesaid Guardian to Elizabeth Kennear (youngest Daughter of the said Judith Brent by a former Husband and Sister to the said Mary Rouand) of the third Part. Witnesseth that the said Hugh Brent and Judith his wife as well for and in Consideration of the natural Love & Affection which they have & bear unto the said Mary Rouand and Elizabeth Kennear as for the Considerations herein after to be expressed have given granted remised released & for ever quit claimed & by these Presents do give grant remise release and for ever quit claim unto the said Thomas Rouand and Mary his wife and the said Edwin Conway as Guardian to the said Elizabeth Kennear all & all Manner of Right Title Interest Estate Property Claim & Demand whatsoever which they the said Hugh Brent and Judith his Wife or any of them by any ways or means wheresoever now have may might or of Rifht ought to have or claim into or out of all and every or any the Messuages Lands Tenements and ___ _____late of Brereton Kenner decd (former Husband to the said Judith Brent) and also in to & out of the Reversion and Reversions Remainder & Remaiders Rents & Services of all & singular the said Premisses above mentioned & of every part & Parcel thereof with the appurtenances & also all the Estate Right Title Share Interest Divident or Proportion of the said Hugh Brent & his wife which they the sd Hugh Brent and Judith his wife now have or shall or may hereafter claim or shall ___ of in to or out of all & every or any of that Negro .Slaves & all other the personal Estate of the said decd Brereton Kenner or ___ ____ ____that Plantation whereon the said Brereton Kennear died either by Force or Virtue of the last Will & Testament of the said Brereton Kennear or by Force of any Custom or by any other Ways or Means whatsoever & all Actions Suits Controversies & Demands touching or concerning the same as that neither they the said Hugh Brent and Judith his wife of any of them nor any other Person or Persons for them or any of them or in their or any of their Name or Names shall or will at any time or times hereafter by any Way or Means whatsoever have claim challenge or demand or prosecute any action Estate Right Title Interest or Property of into or out of all & every of the said Premisses or any Part or Parcel thereof but of & from all & all Manner of Action Este Right Title Interest Property Claim & Demand into & out of all singular the aforesaid Premisses & every Part therof they the said Hugh Brent & Judith his Wife and each of them and all & every Person or Persons claiming or to claim by from or under them the said Hugh Brent & Judith his wife or any of them shall be utterly excluded & barred for ever by these Presents and also all Papers Bonds Act___ & writings of what nature or kind soever which were of or belong & to the sd Brereton Kennear decd & now in the Possession of Hugh Brent and Judith his wife or which they the said Hugh Brent & Judith his wife can or may lawfully get at or come by without any expense or Suit in Law or Equilly to have and to hold all and singular the aforesaid Premisses with the Appertenances unto the said Thomas Rouand his Heirs exors Admins & Assigns & the said Edwin Conway to the only proper use and behoof of the said Thomas Rouand & the said Elizabeth Kennear their Heirs exors admons & assigns for ever and the said Thomas Rouand & Edwin Conway for & in Consideration of the Premisses have given granted aliened & confirmed &: by these Presents do give grant alien & confirm unto the said Hugh Brent one Negro Woman Slave named Joan now in the Possession of the said Hugh Brent together with all the future Increase of the said Negro to have & to hold the said Negro woman slave Joan & all her future Increace unto the said Hugh Brent his exors admons & assigns to the only proper use & behoof of the said Hugh Brent his exors admons & assigns forever and the said Thomas Rouand & Edwin Conway do hereby covenant & grant to & with the said Hugh Brent that they the said Thomas Rouand & Edwin Conway & their Heirs exors & Admons the said Negro Woman Slave Joan & all her future Increase unto the said Hugh Brent his Exors Admons & Assigns shall & will forever hereafter warrant & defend and also that the said Edwin Conway & Thomas Rouand for & in Consideration of the aforesaid Premisses have given granted & confirmed & by these Premisses do give grant & confirm unto the said Hugh Brent one full Moity of all the Corn & Tob. That was made on the Lands & by the Slaves of the sd decd Brereton Kennear in Northumberland County in the Year of our Lord 1771 to have & to hold all the said Moiety of Corn & Tob. Unto the said Hugh Brent & his assigns to the only proper use & behoof of that said Hugh Brent his Exors Admons & Assigns forever,, and lastly this Indenture witnesseth that whereas the said Brereton Kennear decd late of Northumberland County did in and by his last Will & Testament in writing nominate & appoint his Wife now the aforesaid Judith Brent Party to these Presents Executrix of his said Will and whereas the said Judith Brent hath sines taken upon herself the Burthen of the Execution thereon and equally fully & honestly6 divided & distributed the Goods & Chattles of the sd Brereton Kenner amongst the said Mary Rouand & Elizabeth Kennear children & Legatses of the said Brereton Kennear, now the said Thomas Rouand Edwin Conway & every of them do for themselves their heirs exors & admons covenant & grant to & with the said Hugh Brent & Judith his Wife their Heirs Exors & Admons that they the said Thomas Rouand & Edwin Conway & each of them their & each of their Heirs Exiors & Admons shall & will from time to time & at all Times hereafter fully & clearly acquit exonerate & discharge or otherwise well & sufficiently save & keep harmless & indemnify the said Hugh Brent & Judith his Wife their Heirs Exors & Admons & their & every of their goods & chattels of & from all Sum & Sums of money Bills Bonds Debts Duties & Demands whatsoever which shall or may at any time or times hereafter happen to be demanded or recovered of and from the said Hugh Brent & Judith his wife their Heirs Exors or Admons or any of hem for or by Reason of the Exercutership of the said last Will & Testament of the said Brereton Kenner decd & of & from all Actions Suits Troubles Costs Charges Damages & Demands whatsoever which shall or may happen arise or be for or by Reason of the same Premisses. In witness whereof the Parties to these Presents have set their Hands & affixed their Seals the Day & Year first above written
Signed sealed and acknowledged Hugh Brent [seal]
and delivered in Presence of Judith Brent [seal]
John Maxwell Thomas Rouand [seal]
William Brown Edwin Conway [seal]
William Wale
At a Court held for Lancaster County on the 15th Day of October 1772. This Deed of Settlement was acknowledged in Court by Edwin Conway & ___ by William Brown & William Wale…
Lancaster County, Virginia Deed Book 19:96.
Transcribed by Barbara Shroyer, 30 September 2008, from FHL microfilm 0032137.