Prenuptial agreement Hugh Brent and Judith Kenner, 10 January 1766; Northumberland County, Virginia Record Book 6:117.
This Indenture ____ made the 10th day of January in the year of our Lord 1766.
Between Hugh Brent of the Parish of Christ Church & County of Lancaster of the First part Judity Kenner relick and widow of Brereton Kener of the Parish of St. Stephen & County of Northumberland of the Second part and Thomas Lawson of the Parish of Christ Church and County of Lancaster of the third. Whereas there is an Agreement and Conclusion made between the sd Hugh Brent and Judith Kenner for a Marriage to be shortly had & solemnized between them. And the sd Hugh Brent being willing & desirous to provide a comfortable support for the sd Judith Kenner in case she should survive him the sd Hugh Brent. Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the sd Hugh Brent for and in Consideration of the sd Intended Marriage and of the Natural love and Affection he hath and beareth to the sd Judith Kenner Hath bargained sold and delivered and by these presents Both bargain, sell & deliver unto the said Thomas Lawson his heirs Exors and Admrs the following Slaves, to wit, Billy, Alice, George, Manual, Daniel, Roos, Violett, Moses, and Phillip. To have & to hold the sd Slaves unto him the sd Thomas Lawson to and for the uses and purposes herein after mentioned & to or for no other use intent or purpose whatsoever, that is to say, to & for the use of the said Hugh Brent and Judith Kenner his intended wife during their Natural lives & after the decease of the said Hugh Brent to and for the use of the sd Judith Kenner during her Natural live in case she should survive him the sd Hugh Brent, and the sd Marriage should take Effect, for the better support of the sd Judith Kenner in Case she should survive the sd Hugh Brent & in full Satisfaction and recompines to the sdJudith Kenner of the Third or Widows part of the Negroes and personal Estate of the sd Hugh Brent which she the sd Judith Kenner might be intitled by Law to Claim, in Case she should Survive the sdHugh Brent, but not to bar or prevent the sdJudith Kenner from Claiming and having the Dower of the Lands and real Estate of the sd Hugh Brent, Negroes Excepted. And the sd Hugh Brent doth hereby for himself his heirs Exors and Admrs and every of them Covenant, grant and agree to and with the said Thomas Lawson his heirs Exors and Admra and every of them, that the sdJudith Kenner shall have full power to dispose of what Estate real & personal she now is in possession of intitled unto in what manner she shall think fit either by her Last Will & Testament or any other instrument of writing subscribed with her hand, not withstanding the Marriage aforesd yet that the sd Hugh Brent shall enjoy the Estate of the sd Judith Kenner during the Joint lives of them the said Hugh Brent and Judith Kenner, And that is Case the sd Judith Kenner should Neglect to Dispose of her sd Estate then, that the same be and remain to the children of the sd Judith Kenner by the sd Hugh Brent, and if _____ each to the other Children of the sd Judith Kenner. In Witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and Seals, the day and year first above written
Signed Sealed & Delivered in Hugh Brent [seal]
Presence of Mary Kenner Judith Kenner [seal]
Ann Shearman Thomas Lawson [seal]
Tho. Shearman
At a Court held for Northumberland County the 10th day of November 1766.
This Marriage Contract between Hugh Brent, Judith Kenner and Thomas Lawson was acknowledged by the said Hugh Brent and Admitted to Record.
Teste Tho. Jones Cl Cur.
Transcribed by Barbara Shroyer on 20 October 2008.