Mrs. C. R. Brent, 84, Rites Wednesday
Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Whipple Brent, 84, who died Monday morning at 2:45 o’clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. S. Herzer, 914 Adair avenue, will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the home of another daughter, Mrs. F. W. Cochran, McConneslville. Rev. Hoy will officiate and internment will be in the McConnelsville cemetery.
Mrs. Brent had been in failing health for the past several months but her condition did not become serious until a week ago.
The deceased was the daughter of Abram and Roxanna Whipple, pioneer residents of Morgan county. Her husband, Charles R. Brent, now deceased, was prominent in Morgan county politics. He was postmaster and mayor of McConnelsville.
Besides the two daughters, Mrs. Herzer, at whose home she died, and Mrs. Cochran, McConneslville, where funeral services will be conducted, are three grandchildren, Beatrice and Jean Cochran, and Charles Brent Cochran, Charleston, W. Va.; two sisters, Corinthian Whipple and Mrs. W. A. Cosgrave, both of McConnelsville, and two brothers, Everett Whipple, Aurora, O., and Clayton Whipple, of McConnelsville.
The body has been removed to the home of the daughter, Mrs. Cochran, McConnesville.
The Times Recorder, Zanesville, Ohio 21 June 1938.