The Estate of Ann Brent
1818 To Board of 5 children Florinda, Judith, William, Cyrus & $ cts
Newton Brent for the above year. 152.25
“ To 15 Yards of _e__ey @3/9 pr 9.37 ½
“ “ pr. Of Negro shoes @ 9/-pr 4.50
“ “ Cash paid John Payne 1.29
“ “ Ditto paid John H. Straughn 24
“ “ Ditto paid Joseph Wallen 22.15
“ “ Ditto paid A. Brightwell for note 12.68
“ “ Ditto paid Jac. W. Herndon 7.60
“ “ Ditto paid Steven J. Blaydes 12.20
“ “ Ditto paid Saml Mason pr a/c 1.75
“ “ Ditto paid Peter Hicks 3.75
“ “ Ditto paid Wm Tamplin 6.35
“ “ Ditto paid George French 20
“ “ Ditto paid Doct. Jas. Minor 10
“ “ Ditto paid Capt. Joseph Wallen 4.37
“ “ Ditto paid Doct. Geo. French 20
“ “ Ditto paid R. L. Stevenson 1.23
“ “ Ditto paid R. L. Stevenson 2.03
“ “ Ditto paid G. smith 1.98
“ “ Ditto paid Thos. Brightwell .75
“ “ Ditto paid O. M. Crutchfield 2.23
The Estate of Ann Brent Decd. D_. (see above on next page)
“ To amt. brot. over 335.04 ¾
“ “ Cash paid William Buchanan 8
“ “ Ditto paid Doctor James Minor 8
“ “ Ditto pd. Anthony Fraz34 12
“ “ To amt. allowed for Hugh Brent in time of sickness 25
“ “ Amt. allowd for Negro woman in Ditto 15
“ “ Amt. allowd for negro Boy in the same way 20
“ “ Cash pd. Edwards for Geoe. French 10
“ “ To Amt. pd. P. Dedman for the Commissioners expenses 2.87 ½
To Cash de. Commissioners 35.92 ½
Spotsylvania County Court November term 1830
This administration account of Thomas Proctor on the Estate of Ann Brent deceased was this day returned and William Buchanan one of the distributers of the said Ann Brent excepts to the report of the commissioners appointed to settle the said accounts, for the following reasons towit that the said commissioners have not fixed any period at which Interest is to commences on the balance which is found against the administration ____ The Court on consideration sustains the exceptions, and with this _______ that interest is to commence on $370.14 cts the balance ___________________ from the 15th day of July 1820 on __________________________ recorded.
To Thomas Proctor administrator
In a/o with Thomas Proctor adm. Thereof Cr
By cash of John Pierce for rent 8
“ Ditto of Richerson for rents 28
“ Ditto of Wiglesworth 25
“ Ditto of John Straughan 4
“ Ditto of Robt. Cammark 25
“ The rent of the tavern in 1819 60
“ The rent of the same in 1820 150
“ Ditto for Mill 91
“ Hire of Negro Boy man 13.25
“ Rent of Mill 63
“ Rent of Land 6
Amt of sales 340.415
In obedience to two orders of the county Court of Spotsylvania dated March court 1824 and November Court 1830 we two of the Commissioners therein named have proceeded to settle with Thomas Proctor his administration account on the estate of Ann Brent deceased (being first sworn for that purpose) which will appear by the foregoing account. The charges in wich are supported by satisfactory vouchers and we find a balance due the estate of three hundred and seventy four Dollars and fourteen cents which is respectfully submitted by
November 1st 1830 W. Beazley
John Penny
Spotsylvania March Court 1824
Ordered that William Powell, Thent Towles and William Beazley or any two of them being first sworn before a Justice of the peace for that purpose do settle with Thomas Proctor his administration account on the estate of Ann Brent deceased and make report thereof to the court. A Copy
Teste R. S. Stevenson C.C.
Spotsylvania November Court 1830
Ordered that John Penny jr. being first sworn before a Justice of the peace for that purpose be added to the commissioners appointed to settle with Thomas Proctor his administration account on the Estate of Ann Brent deceased and make report thereof to the court
A Copy
Teste R. O. Stevenson Clc
Spotsylvania County, Virginia Will Book N:51-2.
Transcribed by Barbara Shroyer 6 October 2008 from FHL microfilm 0034060