Will of Hugh Brent 1671
In the name of God Amen this eighth day of Jany, 1671: I Hugh Brent of the P’ish of Christ Church in the County of Lancaster, being sick of body but in sound and p’fect memory God be praised therefor, do make constitute and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following Viz:
Im;. I bequeath my sould into the hands of Almighty God my maker hoping to be saved by the meritorious death and passion of my only Saviour and Redeemer and my body to be buried in Christian burial.
It: I give to my eldest daughter Jean the neck of land which was cleared by Mr. Wale and so as far as my bounds goeth down to the Pocoason by patons the Indian hollowing point for her life time and no longer.
It: I give to my daughter Elizabeth the neck of land next adjoining to the aforesaid as farr as Thatchers neck and so as far as the middle of the main neck for her life time and no longer.
It: I give to my daughter Martha the neck of land which is called Thatchers neck for her life time and no longer and after the decease of either or all of my daughters the land to return to my sonn Hough.
It: I give to my sonn Hough and unto his maile children lawfully begotten my whole dividen of land as far as exprest by paton and so successifely from heir to heir.
It: I give to John Coan, one pair of russet French foll shoes and one pair of gloves.
It: I give to Mr. Thomas Haines my cast’r hatt and one pr. Of gloves.
It: I give to ffortunatus Sydnor one pr of French foll and one pr of wosted stokins and one pr of gloves.
It: I give to my man Howell the first cow calfe that shall fall after he is free.
All my worldly goods I give to my children to be equally divided between them, my depts. Being pd., making them my sole executors of this my last Will and Testament.
It is my desire yt there shall be shipt on board Capt. Plonders ship three hogsheads of tobb. For the use of John Haukins living in Greenhine. I do alsoe appoint my loving friends Mr. Thomas Haines and ffortunatus Sydnor to be the overseers of this my last will and testament as also suddenly after my decease that they the sd Thomas Haines and ffortunatus Sydnor to take an inventory of all my goods.
In witness of this my last will and testament I set my hand and seal revoking all other wills and testaments whatso erver the day and year first above written.
John Andros + his mark
John Thomas+his mark Hugh Brent (Wax after: H.B.
Probated, March 13, 1671
Test: Edw. Dale, Cl Cur.
Probate of the last will and testament of Hugh Brent, Gent., dec’d is according to the tenor of the Sd. Will graunted Hugh Brent, his sonne, Joane, Elizabeth and Martha Brent, his daughters…Mr. Thomas Haynes and Fortunatus Sydnor being in respect of the Sd. Age of the Sd. Children, overseers of the Sd will….13 March 1671
Transcription from pp. 24-25 of The Decendants of Hugh Brent by Chestor Horton Brent.. He gives his source as L.O.B. 1666-1680, p. 220