Will of Hugh Brent
Lancaster County, Virginia will book 14:180
26 October 1748, proved and recorded 11 May 1750
In the Name of God Amen I Hugh Brent of the Parish of Christ Church in the County of Lancaster gent being very sick & weak in Body but in my perfect sense & Memory praised to God do make & ordain this my last Will & Testament in manner & form following and first & principally I give & resign my Soul to God that gave it me trusting in the merits of my blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ for a Joyfull Resurrection and as for what worldly Estate it has pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me I give & Dispose thereof in the following Manner
Item I give to my son James Brent my looking glass in my great Room as also a large chest that was his grandfathers
Item I give to my son Maurice Brent my Violin Item I give to my son William Brent my peace or pariel or parcel of Land purchased from Tobias Horton decd as also my negro Girle Lucey to him & his heirs forever. I give to my GrandDauther Mary Brent Daugther of my decd son William Brent two Ewe in full for her part of my Estate having provided sufficiently for her Father heretofore. Item I give to my son Hugh Brent my young negro Man Stephen Item my Will is that my loving Wife Elizabeth Brent have & enjoy one tenth part of my Negroes not in this my Will heretofore bequeathed during her Natural Life and that after her decease the sd portion ofNegroes with their Increase by equally divided between my nine children, Ellinor, Nicholas, Maurice, Richard, George, Mary, William, Haynes & Anne
Item I give the Remainder of my Negroes to my aforsd Children Ellinor, Nicholas, Maurice, Richard, George, Mary, William, Haynes & Anne equally to be divided and my Will is that my said Childrens Negroes work on my Wife’s third of my Land for their Maintainance & Support til they severally come to age or marry
Item I give the Remainder of my personal Estate to my said Wife & her Nine Children equally to be divided and Will and meaning is that in case either of my sd Children Ellinor, Nicholas, Maurice, Richard, George, Mary, William, Haynes & Anne dye before they come to age or marry that his or her negroes & personal Estate be divided amongst the Brother & sisters of the whole Blood & not otherwise Item I give to my good Friend Robert Edwards son of Mr Thomas Edwards one of my best sows & gigs. Item I do nominate & appoint my aforesd Wife & my sons Nicholas and Maurice whole &: sole Executors of this my last Will & Testment and I do revoke all other wills by me heretofore made & Lastly I do desire my friends Mr Thomas Edward & Mr Thomas Pinckand to be my Trustees to advise & direct my aforsd executors as also my Children in their management of their Estates In Testamony whereof and that this writing contains my true last Will & Testament I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 26th Day of October Anno Dom 1748
Hugh Brent [seal]
Negroes & personal interlibed in the bequest of the Residue of my personal Estate interlined before sighning
Sealed & Delivered & Published & Declared by Mr Hugh Brent before named to be his last Will & Testament in presence of
T Edwards
John Horton + mark
George Horton
Willoughby Allerton
Richard Edwards
At a Court held for Lancaster County on the 11th Day of May 1750 This Will was proved in open court by the oath of Thomas Edwards gent a witness thereto and ordered to be recorded
Test Thos Edward gent clr
At a Court held for Lanceaster County on the 13th Day of July 1750
This will was further proved in open Court by the oath of George Horton & ordered to be Certified.
Test Thos Edward gent clrk
Transcribed by Barbara Shroyer on 14 November 2008.
Note: The court notation for 13 July 1750 is written sideways in the inner margin of the will record book.