Division of land of Hugh Brent, 23 March 1781, Lancaster County, Virginia Will Book 20:192
Agreeable to an Order of Lancaster County Court bearing date October 1780 I attended on Richard Mitchell, James Gordan and Henry Lawson Gent. Commissioners appointed by the Court to Divide the Land of Hugh Brent Gent. Decd according to his Will, and at their desire surveyed a parcel of Woodland late the property of the said deceased thereof the above Figure is a True Plat Beginning at A an old stump by the road side at the upper and West corner of the Land thence ___ing the dotted line around the Woods TRDE and F to the main road thence up to the beginning area of the whole Fifty five acres and fourteen _____s Then I divided the same into two equal parts by a Line Beginning at the Stake planted at C. The Conesse and Distances See marked in the Figure
Surveyed and Finished the 20th day of March 1781.
William Brown
Agreeable to an Order of Lancaster County Court bearing date Octo Court 1790
We the subscribers having met upon the Land of Hugh Brent Gent deceased ___ed to divide the Land of said deceased according to his Will and being assisted by Mr William Brown who attended in pursuance of the said Order When the said Land was Surveyed and allotted agreeable to the above Figure and description The lower part of which that joins to Mr James Brents land is allotted to him and the upper part next to Norris’s Land is allotted to the Land Mrs Judith Brent lives on and which at her Death will belong to Mr Newton Brent. Given under our hands the 23rd day of March 1781.
Richard Mitchell
At a Court held for Lancaster County the 19th James Gordon
Day of April 1781 Henry Lawson
This Report of the Division of Platt of the Land of Hugh Brent Gent desd was ce_____ed and order to be Recorded
Jest Thad McCarty CLC
{Note: There is a plat drawing at the top of the page.}
Transcribed by Barbara Shroyer, 18 September 2008