Spotsylvania County Virginia will book IJ:210
Guardianship bond for Charlotte Brent orphan of Martin Brent
Know all men by these presents that one Claiborne Duvall & John Grady are held and firmly bound to Tho. Miner, Benjamin Wather, Joseph Her_don, Jno. ___ell & Gabl Long Gentlemen Justices of the Court of Spotsylvania County now sitting in the Sum of one thousand Dollars to the payment whereof well and truly to be made to the said Justices and their successors we bind ourselves and each of us our deedeach of our heirs executors and administraters jointly and severally firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this 6th day of October anno Domino 1817 and in the 42nd year of the Commonwealth- The condition of the above Obligation is such that if the above bound Claiborne Duvall his executors and administrators shall well and truly pay and deliver or cause to be paid and delivered unto Charlotte Brent orphan of Martin Brent deceased all such estate or estates as now is or are or hereafter shall appear to be due to the said orphan when and as soon as she shall attain to lawful age or when thereto required by the Justices of the said county court and also keep harmless the above names Justices their and any of their heirs executors and administrators from all trouble and damage that shall or may arise about the said Estate, then the above obligation to be paid or else to remain in full force and nature
Sealed and Delivered Cla Duvall [seal]
In open Court John Grady [seal]
At a Court held for Spotsylvania County October the 6th 1817 this Bond was acknowledged by the said Claiborne Duvall and John Grady in Open Court and ordered to be recorded
Just Robert S. C____
Transcribed by Barbara Shroyer, 14 September 2008