Mrs. M. J. Magers Passes Away and is Buried at Salem.
Mrs. M. J. Magers passsed away at the family home in Salem, March 26, aged 78. She was born in Morgan County, Ohio, December 22, 1828.
In company with her late husband, Dr. W. B> Magers, she came West in 1852, making the laborious journey with ox teams.
Their first home was at Oregon City where they resided three years, from there going to Corvallis and after three years more removed to Marion County.
Mrs. Magers was a member of the First Baptist Church of Salem, and of the Oregon Pioneer Association. She was always an interested and interesting visitor at the annual reunion of pioneers. Despite the care of a large family of her own, her mother heart was so large that in addition she reared two children of a deceased sister in law.
Her funeral was conducted by Rev. A. J. Hunsaker, of McMinnville, and a large concourse of friends and relarives followed the remains to their last resting place.
Mrs. Magers was the mother of 13 children. There are 11 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. The following of her children survive: Judge J. E. Magers, of Portland; Mrs. S. E. Woodington, of Silverton; J. P. Magers, of Dallas, Or.; F. M. Magers, of Sissons, Cal.; Mrs. M. V. Feller, of Los Angeles; G. M. Magers, of Jefferson, Or.; Mrs. W. S. Thompson, of Harrington, Wash.; A. G. Magers and Miss Minetta Magers, of Salem.
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