MRS. M. J. MAGERS DEAD -- Well known Pioneer Woman Answers the Final Summons Early Yesterday Morning. Mrs. M. J. Magers passed away at the family home at 879 South Twelfth street yesterday morning, after a brief illness, at the advanced age of 78 years. She was born in Morgan county, Ohio, on December 22, 1828, thus making her a little more than 78 years of age at the time of her death.
In company with her husband, Dr. W. B. Magers, she came west in 1852, making the laborius journey with ox teams. Their first home was at Oregon City, where they resided three years, from there removing to Corvallis, from which place they removed to Marion county after a sojourn of about the same period. Since that time they have resided in this county, where the family is well known, and the memory of the deceased will long be revered.
Early in life Mrs. Magers became a Christian, and at the time of her death was a member of the First Baptist church of this city. Her connection with the Pioneer Association was of the most pleasant nature, and she was always an interested and interesting visitor at the annual reunion.
She was the mother of thirteen children, of whom the following survive her: Judge E. Magers of Portland; Mrs. S. E. Woodington of Silverton; J. P. Magers of Dallas; F. M. Magers, of Sissons, California; Mrs. Mary V. Feller, of Los Angeles, California; G. W. Magers of Jefferson; Mrs. Ione M. Thompson of Harrington, Washington: A. G. Magers, and Miss Minetta Magers of Salem.
Despite the care of a large family, her mother heart was so large that in addition to her own family she reared two other children, and always had time to give a kindly hand to a neighbor, and a smile to the heart-weary who crossed her path.
Funeral services will be held from the first Baptist church tomorrow at 2 p.m. Chapman [Salem newspaper -- hand-written date of March 27, 1907]