George B. Clarkson
Funeral services for George B. Clarkson of 536 Gorrell drive, will be held at 2:30 o’clock Wednesday afternoon at the Dean Swope Funeral home with Rev. E. T. Acord of the First Methodist church, officiating. Burial will be in Memorial park.
Mr. Clarkson died Sunday morning at Bethesda hospital where he had been a patient 10 days. Death was attributed to coronary thrombosis.
A native of this city, Mr. Clarkson, a linotype operator, retired 12 years ago. He had been employed for a number of years on newspapers in Cleveland and the east but returned here seven years ago.
The son of A. W. and Ella Faraquhar Clarkson, he was a member of the Methodist church and the International Typographical Union.
Surviving are his widow, Bessie; a brother, Harry of Freeport, Ill., and several nieces and nephews.
Zanesville Signal; Zanesville OH; 31 Jan. 1949 p. 12;