Golden Wedding Bells Ring
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Clarkson of Hopewell will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary with an open house in their home on Route 40 from 2 until 4 o’clock next Sunday afternoon. Invitations have been issued to their many friends to attend the affair.
Miss Bessie A. Wilson and George B. Clarkson were untied in marriage May 4, 1897, in First Baptist church by Rev. A. M. Hendricks. The Clarksons had two children, George Ray and Rhea Mildred, both deceased. Mr. Clarkson is one of Zanesville’s pioneer linotype operators. He learned the trade in 1898 at The Signal and holds a 50 year membership button in the International Typographical Union.
The Clarksons left Zanesville 38 years ago going to Akron and Cleveland, New Jersey and New York where Mr. Clarkson worked as a printer on several large newspapers. He retired several years ago and they returned to their native Ohio to make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson enjoy good health at their home in the country which they find quite different from city life but which they enjoy.
Zanesville Signal; Zanesville OH, 27 April 1947