Announce Funeral of Mrs. Audrey Colvin
Funeral services for Mrs. Audrey W. Colvin will be held at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Riley, 226 Harrison street, at 2 o’clock Thursday afternoon. Rev. W. R. Grunewald pastor of Pilgrim church will officiate. Burial in Woodlawn cemetery.
Mrs. Colvin was born and reared in Newton Falls but had visited her grandmother many times and was well known in this city. She was a member of the M. E. church and besides her grandmother is survived by her husband Harry Colvin, one daughter, Elma May, her parents, Mr. and Jrs. Willis Wilson and the following brothers and sisters: Riley Wilson, M—Mary Warner, Miss Ida Wilson and Miss Bonnie Wilson all of Newton Falls. The body was prepared for burial at the Dean Funeral home.
The Times Recorder, Zanesville, 2 June 1926, p. 12, col. 1.