Couple Observes 35th Anniversary
On Sunday afternoon a surprise reception was held for Mr. and Mrs. Wilkes F. Richardson at their home at 180 North Seventh street. The occasion was in honor of their 35th wedding anniversary, with a family dinner held at the Kennebec hotel at noon and a visit to their former home in East Bloom township, followed by open house.
The honored guests received many lovely gifts and pictures of the couple cutting the wedding cake were taken. Guests from out of town were from Duncan Falls, South Zanesville, and Marietta. Also attending were their son-in-law Pfc. Donald E. Palmer of Camp Atterbury, Ind. and their son and his wife Lt. and Mrs. Dwight Richardson of Fort Meade, Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson are the parents of three children, Mrs. Donald Palmer, Lt. Richardson, and Carl Richardson who with his wife and three children were also present.
From Zanesville Signal, 26 Aug. 1952.