Parmiter Reunion
The Parmiter reunion was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Parmiter, who reside on what was the former William Farra homestead near McKendree.
There were about 99 present who were mostly the descendants of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parmiter. Tables were set on the lawn near the house and a most sumptuous picnic dinner was served. Following the dinner a short business session was held at which the following officers were re-elected for the coming year:
President, B. B. Parmiter; vice president, Fred Mummy; secretary, Iva Hann; treasurer, Mrs. Ulysees Parmiter; lecturer, J. B. Farra; committee on entertainment, Forest, Alvin and Herschel Parmiter.
A short but interesting program was then given. J. B. Farra gave a history of the Parmiter family, readings were given by Mrs. Stella Durbin, Mrs. Ada McKeown of Aimsville and Mrs. Iva Hann and talks were made by john Parmiter and Charles Rhinebarger. At the close of the program a general good social time was enjoyed by the guests.
Those present from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Mast of Columbus, Mrs. Frank McKeown of Aimsville, Albert Parmiter of Newark and the McKeown families of Athens.
Next year the reunion will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Parmiter.
From Zanesville Signal, 12 Aug. 1924.