Elizabeth Conwell Funeral Monday
Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth Jordan Conwell, widow of Clark C. Conwell, who died suddenly Friday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Carl Snoke, of 653 Brighton boulevard, will be held at 2 0’clock Monday afternoon at the Snoke residence. Burial will be in Greenwood.
Mrs. Conwell has resided in Zanesville most of her life and was a member of the Central Trinity Methodist church. Her husband died in this city five years ago today.
Surviving are the daughter, at whose home she died, and a sister, Mrs. A. J. Day, of Newark. Four children preceded her in death, Ernest F. and Ted Conwell and the Misses Grace and Fern Conwell.
The body has been removed to the Snoke residence from the Maden-Peoples Funeral Home.
On the same page under Deaths:
CONWELL, Elizabeth Jordan, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Carl Snoke, of 635 Brighton boulevard, Sept. 17.
From Zanesville Signal, 18 Sept. 1943.