I Wilks Bosman of the County of Morgan and State of Ohio do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking and annuling all former wills by me made.
First I desire that my debts and funeral expenses be fully paid.
Second I give devise and bequeath to the Children of my deceased Son William H. Bosman the Sum of three Thousand Six hundred dollars and to them and their heirs the west half of lot No 97 in the town of McConnelsville Ohio. It is my will that Eliza Bosman the widow of my Son William H. Bosman Shelt have the possession and enjoy the use of Said lot so long as she Supports and educates Said children and So long as She remain a widow if She marries She is to yeald the possession of Said lot as soon as she ceases to support and educate the children. It is my will that my executor pay out to Said Children in money their Share of Said thirty Six hundred dollars as they respectively come of age that on my d___ he invest Said thirty Six hundred dollars in Such manner as he thinks proper and that he pay from the profits made thereon three houndred Dollars years to Said Eliza Bosman for her and Said Childrens Support So long as the yearly profits made there on is three hundred dollars or more and whenever by payments of the Shares of Said Children as may become due or from any other cause the yearly profits on Said Sum on the Shares remaining in my executors hand is but three hundred dollars or less She is to have the intire profit made thereon untill Said Sum is disposed of in paying to Said Children their Shares. It is my will that my executor if he thinks necessary for the coumfort of Said Eliza Bosman and Said children pay to her out of any profits made on Said Sum Such aditional amount as he may think proper; any profits made by my executor on Said Sum not necessary to Satisfy the provisions aforesaid I desire to be added to the Shares of the Children. It is my will that Said Eliza Bosman pay the taxes assesed on Said half lot while in her possession.
Third I will and devise to my Son John R. Bosman and to his heirs the east half of Lot No. 97 in the Town of McConnelsville Ohio
Fourth I give devise and bequeath to the Children of my deceased daughter Frances Mary being one of Said Children and to their heirs the north east quarter of in Township ten of Range eleven of land Sold at Zanesville Ohio but it is my will if William Farra the husband of my deseased Daughter Frances will pay to Said children as they respectively become of age the amount that three judicious disinterested persons chosen by ____ and Said ____ Shall appraise th___ undivided Share to be then their Worth then that Said Shall Convey his or her interest by quit Claim deed to Said P____. It is my will so long as any of Said Chidren are minors and their interest in Said land ______undivided or undisposed of by law that Said William Farra Shalt have the possesion and use thereof on conditions that he cut no timber other than is necessary to be used on the place, that he farm Said primises in a good husband like manner keeping the Same in good repair, that he upon the place all (straw or Cornfodder raised thereon or apply it to the land, and that he pay all taxes that may be assesed on Said Shares and in case he take possession of Said Shares he is to support and maintain said minor Children.
Fifth I give devise and bequeath unto the Children of my deceased daughter Ruth R. Richardson and their heirs the North west quarter of Section twelve in Township Eleven of Range Twelve in the Zanesville Ohio land districk but it is my will that if Wilke B. Richardson the father of Said Children will pay Said Children as they respectively become of age the amount that three judicious disinterested persons chosen by the child and said Richardson Shall appraise their undivided Share to be then worth ____ that Said Child Shall convey his or her Share by quit Claim deed to Said Richardson It is my will that So long as any of Said children are minors and there interest in Said lands remains undivided undisposed of by law that Said Wilk B. Richardson Shall have the posession and use thereof on the condition that he cut no timber other than is necessary to be used on the place, that he farm Said primises in a good husband like manner keeping the Same in good repair, that he feed upon the _____ all Straw or Cornfodder raised thereon or apply it to the land and that he pay all taxes that may be assesed on Said Shares and in _____ he take possesion of Said Share he is to Support and maintain Said minor Children. I furthur will and devise to Said Children the two hundred dollars in which Said Wilks B. Richardson is indevbted to me with interest from the date it being expressly understoond that if they cannot collect Said Sum from Said Richardson that it is not be made up to them from any other Sources.
Sixth I give and devise and bequeath to the Children of my deceased daughter Elizabeth B. Watkins and their heirs in lot No. 10 in the town of McConnelsville Ohio being the lot now occupied by James Watkins and also the lands on Creek purchased by me at Sheriffs Sale being the north west fourth of the north east fourth of Section twelve of Township ten of Range eleven and the South east quarter of the north west quarter of the Same Section and range, and also thirty nine _____ of the north east quarter of the north west quarter of the Same Section and range but it is my will that if James Watkins the father of Said Children will pay to Said Children as they respectively become of age the amount that three judicious disinterestd persons chosen by the child and said Watkins Shall appraise thier undivided Share to be then worth ____ that Said Child shall convey his or her Share to Said Watkins by quit claim deed. It is my will that so long as any of said children are minors and thaeir interest in Said lands remain undivided or undisposed of by law that the Said James Watkins shall have the possession and use thereof on condidtion that he cut no timber other than is necessary to be used on the premises that he farm Said premises in a good husband like manner keeping the Same in good repair that he feed upon the premises all Straw or corn fodder raised therein or apply it to the land and that he pay all taxes that may be assessed on said premises and in _____ he take possession of Said Shares he is to Support and maintain Said minor Children. Whatever property I may die possessed of not otherwise disposed of I desire to be equally divided between the children of my three deceased daughters and the Children of John R. Bosman. I further direct that if either of my sons in law, Son or daughters in law at any time after my death Shall Set up any Claim against my estate except the Same is witnessed by a note of hand Signed by me, that then any division made to them or right granted to them by this will Shall be void and he or she Shall take nothing by reason of any bequest herein and the devise and bequest Shall go to his or her children being of _____.
Thereby nominate appoint and constitute my son John R. Bosman the executor of this my last will and testment.
In testimony whereof I have here unto Subscribed my name and affixed my Seal this 30 day of March 1855
Subcribed and acknowledg as his Wilks Bosman his mark
last will and testament by Wilks Bosman
in our presense and attested and Subscribed by
us as witnesses in his presence and in the
presence of each other and at his request
Charles Robertson
S HFouts
The State of Ohio Morgan County
___ We Charles Robertson and S. H. Fouts being duly Sworn in open Court this Sixteenth day of May A.D. 1855 depose and Say that we were present at the execution of the last Will and testament of Wilks Bosman desd hereunto ann__t that we Saw the Said testator Subscibe Said Will and heard him publish and declare the Same to be his last Will and Testament and that the Said testator at the time of executing the Same was of full age and Sound mind and momory and not under any restraint and that we Signed the Same as witnesses at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other and that Said Wilks Bosman is now deceased.
Charles Robertson
S. H. Fauts
May 16th 1855
This day the last Will and Testament of Wilk Bosman late of this County desd was produced in open Court and duly proved by the oath of Charles Robertson and __. H. Fauts the two attesting witnesses hereto whose testimony in regard to the ____ execution of the Same was re____ to _______ Subscribed and Sworn to in open Court ____ _____ ___ recorded
______ Fauts Probate Judge