Will of Joseph Barrow
Morgan Co. Ohio Will Book 1, page 448
Nuncupative will of Joseph Barrow declared by him Sunday October 27th 1867.
I give all my property and effects to my wife for and during her life, and after her death, I give whatever may then remain unexpended in her support to James Weeks. This is my last will and testament. The above declaration was made by Joseph Barrow during his last sickness of the 27th of October 1867 and being witnesses thereto at his request, we both being present at time of his making said declaration and we have caused that same to ____ _____ to witness and have hereunto affixed our signatures this first of November 1867.
J. V. Brown
F. W. Wood Margaret A. Rutherford her mark
The State of Ohio Morgan Co. SS In the Probate Court at McConnelsville in and for said county on the fourth day of November 1867.
Testimony in proof of the last will and testament of Joseph Barrow late of this town of McConnelsville and said county deceased the foregoing to be his last will in our presence, and that he called upon us to witness the same as his last will and we on our oaths further say that the said testator at the time of executing said will was of full age, of sound [disposition] mind and memory, and was not under any restraint, and that said declaration and will was made in the last sickness of said Joseph Barrow on the 27th of October 1867 and was reduced to writing and signed by us on the 1st day of November 1867.
Margaret A. Rutherford
her mark
J. _ Brown
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4th day of Nov. A.D. 1867
D. __ Pinkerton judge
Transcribed by Barbara Shroyer 19 Dec. 2007