Bozman, Margaret dec’d – Estate of
Claim of Administrator against Estate
Proceedings before the Probate Court in the County of Morgan and State of Ohio on the 8th day of January, A.D. 1894, in the matter of the application for the Allowance of Claim of Administrator against the estate of Margaret Bozman deceased.
Be it remembered that heretofore, to wit: December 13th A.D. 1893, an Application was filed herein in words and figures as follows, to wit:
Estate of Margaret Bozman Dc.
To E. M. Stanberry for fees & services as her attorney in the settling of her claims as the widow & Segares of John R. Bozman in the years 1889, 1890, 1891. $100.00
The State of Ohio
Morgan County
I E. M. Stanbery being sworn say that the above claim against the Estate of Margaret Bozman is just & _____that no payments have been made thereon and no offsets exist against the same.
E. M. Stanbery
Sworn ___ before me this 13th day of December 1893.
E. J. Brown, Probate Judge
To the Hon. Probate Court
Morgan County, Ohio
Your petitioner asks the Court to appoint a day for hearing evidence as to the above claim against the estate of Margaret Bozman of which estate this applicant is the administrator and that the same may be allowed by the court as a valid claim against the said estate.
E. M. Stanbery
Dec. 13th, 1893
And on the same day, to wit: December 13th A.D. 1893 an entry was made in this case in the Journal of the Court in words and figures as follows to wit:
Bozman, Margaret Wednesday Dec. 13th 1893
Estate of
Claim of Admin filed for allowance
This day E. M. Stanbery, Admin. Of the estate of Margaret Bozman, deceased, having presented to this court his claim against said estate in the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00), the court now fixes Jan. 8th 1894 at 9 o’clock A.M. for the hearing of the same, and orders that said Admin. Give notice thereof in writing to all parties interested, as required by law.
E.. J. Brown, Probate Judge
And on the same day, to wit: December 13th A.D. 1893 an Order for Notice was issued out of this Court in words and figures as follows, to wit:
Order for Notice – Claim of Administrator against Estate
The State of Ohio Probate Court
Morgan County ss
To E. M. Stanberry, Admin of the estate of Margaret Bozman, deceased
You are hereby ordered to give notice, in writing to all the heirs, legatees, and devisees of said decedent, who are interested in her estate, that you have on the 13th of December 1893, presented to this court for allowance to you against said estate a certain claim which you shall describe in said notice, and that the day fixed for hearing the testimony touching said claim is the 8th day of January 1894.
You shall served a copy of said notice to each of said parties at least twenty days before said day of hearing, or by publication according to law, on such as are non-residents of this county.
Witness my hand and seal of said Court, this 13th day of December A.D. 1893
E. J. brown, Probate Judge
The State of Ohio
Morgan County ss Return
In obedience to the within order, I have served notices as directed, and file herewith proof of such service.
E.M. Stanbery
Admin of the estate of Margaret Bozman, dec’d
Jany 8th 1894
And afterward, to wit: December 29th A.D. 1893, Notice was returned and filed herein in words and figures as follows, to wit:
Notice – Claim of Administrator against Estate
To Catharine Babbitt
You will take notice that I have presented to the Probate Court of Morgan County, Ohio, for allowance to me against the estate of Margaret Bozman late of said County deceased, a certain claim, amounting to $100.00 for an account for services as attorney & counselor of decedent during her lifetime, and that said Court has fixed the time for hearing the testimony touching said claim on the 8th day of January A.D. 1893.
E. M. Stanbery
Dec. 14-1893 Admin of the estate of Margaret Bozman, dec’d
Court Calendar December 19th 1893
I the undersigned person within named, do hereby acknowledge service of the within notice, this 19th day of December A.D. 1893.
Catharine Babbitt
And afterword, to wit: January 2nd A.D. 1894 Notice was returned and filed herein in words and figures as follows towit:
Notice – Claim of Administrator against Estate
To WilliamOliver
You will take notice that I have presented to the Probate Court of Morgan County, Ohio for allowance to me against the estate of Margaret Bozman late of said County, deceased a certain claim amounting to $100.00 for an account for services as attorney & counselor of deceased during her lifetime and that said Court has fixed the time for hearing the testimony touching said claim on the 8th day of January A.D. 1894.
E. M. Stanbery
Admin. Of the estate of Margaret Bozman, decd.
December 145h 1893
Bernard Ill. Dec. 30th 1893
I the undersigned person within named do hereby acknowledge service of the within notice this 30th day of December A.S. 1894 /sic/
William Oliver
And afterward, to wit: January 8th A. D. 1894. Notice was returned and filed herein as follows to wit:
To Anna Watkins, Jane Young, Mary Oliver and Isavel Kelly. Court of Morgan County, Ohio, for allowance to me against the estate of Margaret Bozman, late of said County, deceased, a certain claim amounting to $100.00 for an account for serviced as attorney and counselor of decedent during her lifetime, and that said Court has fixed the time for hearing the testimony touching said claim as the 8th day of January A.D. 1894
E. M. Stanbery
Administrator of the estate of Margaret Bozman
December 14th 1893
The State of Ohio
Morgan County ss
Andrew J. Kelly, being duly sworn says that on the 14th and 15th days of December A.D. 1893, he served the within notice by delivering a true copy thereof to the within named Anna Watkins, Jane Young, Mary Oliver and Isabel Kelly
Andrew J. Kelly
Signed in my presence and sworn to before me, this 8th day of January A.D. 1894.
E.J. Brown Probate Judge
And on the same day, to wit: January 8th A.D. 1894 an entry was made in this case in the Journal of the Court in words and figures as follows to wit:
Bozman Margaret Monday Jan. 8th 1894
Estate of Claim of Admin allowed
Now comes E. M. Stanbery, Admin of the estate of Margaret Bozman deceased and presents to the court proof of the service of the notice of the hearing of his claim upon all parties interested, as required by law and the former order of this court: and the court being satisfied therewith, said proof and service are hereby foud to be properly and legally made and are therefore approved. And upon hearing the testimony, the court finds said claim to be valid and correct, and does therefore allow the same against the estate of the said Margaret Bozman, deceased, in the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) and it is ordered that said Admin pay the costs herein taxed at $5.25
E. J. Brown, Probate Judge
Source: Morgan County Final Records, Probate Vol. G, pp. 284-7, FHL microfilm 2293883. transcribed 19 Jan. 2005 by Barbara Shroyer